B is for Books – A to Z Challenge


In today’s post for the A to Z Challenge, B is for Books! For as long as I can remember, books have been a big part of my life. I’ve always carried at least one book with me. When I wasn’t allowed to read, like at the dinner table when I was younger, I would find myself reading anything within sight. I would read the ingredients on the ketchup bottle. I just always had to be reading! When my mom told me to go outside and play, I would take a blanket outside in the grass and read while I basked in the summer sun.

Books are my constant companion, in many forms. I always have my phone with me, and I have audiobooks on there. I almost always have my Kindle with me, which gives me access to 1,000s of e-books that I own. I usually carry at least one physical book with me, just in case something catastrophic happens and I can’t access my phone or Kindle or I simply want to read a regular book. If I leave the house and I don’t have a book in my bag, I turn around and go back. I own too many books for my own good, but I’ll never stop buying them. I love books more than any other thing that I own. Besides my children, nothing brings me joy like reading a good book.


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