Book Blogger Hop 2/6/15

book blogger hop
The Book Blogger Hop is hosted by Billy at Coffee Addicted Writer. It’s a chance for book bloggers to answer a book blogger question, link up and check out everyone’s answers. My answer is below. Be sure to check out the main post by clicking the banner at the top for everyone else’s answers. I’d love to hear your answers in the comments!

This Week’s Question:
Is there anything that turns you off when you are reading a blog post? For example: two posts in one post such as answers to two memes.

My Answer:
Two memes is my limit – any more than that and the post starts to feel disconnected. I also don’t want to have to read through several sets of meme information, link-ups, etc. just to read the person’s blog post. One other thing that turns me off is when a post is super long without paragraph breaks. Or when a post is full of a lot of GIFs or clip art that distracts me from the post.

I try not to do any of these when I’m blogging. What about you? Is there something that turns you off when reading a blog post?


8 comments / Add your comment below

  1. I only like one per post too, but I guess we are all different in what we like. 🙂

    My full answer is in the link below.

    Have a great weekend.

    I like how you have your challenges and percentages listed. Great organization. I am a chicken for challenges. 🙂

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver’s Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  2. It’s really about making your blog attractive to visitors. A successful book blog is going to attract a wide variety of people, so it’s best to keep it “professional”. Unless the blogger really wants to keep it as a personal forum.

    Thanks for stopping by Reading in Texas

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