Day 1
Okay, so Bout of Books 10.0 Day 1 is officially in the books. 🙂 This will be my Bout of Books Progress Updates post. I’ll update each day with my progress. For day 1, I read 191 pages of Outside In by Doug Cooper. My general goal was wanting to read about 200 pages per day, so I came close. I’m definitely pleased with my progress, considering I didn’t really start reading until yesterday morning. I stayed up last night until I finished the book and I am now on to reading Murder in Merino by Sally Goldenbaum.
Books Finished: 0
Audiobooks: 0
If you’re doing #BoutOfBooks, how’s it going? What are you reading?
Day 2
Day 2 was not as productive as I would have liked reading-wise, but I still got some reading done. Keira had her spring band concert this evening, so between that and a slightly fevered toddler, reading time was scarce. I finished Outside In by Doug Cooper. I started reading Murder in Merino by Sally Goldenbaum and started listening to Risking Trust by Adrienne Giordano.
Books Finished: 1 – Outside In by Doug Cooper
Audiobooks: 24 Minutes – Risking Trust by Adrienne Giordano
Day 3
Day 3 was definitely interesting. We had several strong storms move through the area, causing us to lose electricity and the internet. It didn’t come back on until this afternoon. I didn’t get to link-up my Day 2 progress or do any challenges. Boooo! I didn’t get as much reading done either, as I spent most of our time in the dark trying to entertain the kiddos. I’m still reading Murder in Merino by Sally Goldenbaum.
Books Finished: 0
Audiobooks: 2 hours – House of Ivy and Sorrow by Natalie Whipple and Risking Trust by Adrienne Giordano.
Day 4
Books Finished: 0
Audiobooks: 0
Day 5
Books Finished: 0
Audiobooks: 0
Day 6
Books Finished: 0
Audiobooks: 0
Day 7
Books Finished: 0
Audiobooks: 0
Total Pages Read: 516 + 26%
Total Books Finished: 1
Total Audiobooks Listened to: 2 hours 24 minutes
So overall, I didn’t read as much as I planned. But I’m still happy with my progress. 🙂 This round of Bout Of Books 10.0 had me really thinking a lot more about reading, even when I wasn’t reading. I didn’t stay up and miss sleep, or I would have read a lot more. But I value my sleep lol. If you participated in the read-a-thon, how did you do? I really enjoyed the challenges and checking out the tags on twitter. It was a fun week of reading and reading-related things. I am already looking forward to the next Bout of Books, and I have it marked on my calendar. 🙂
As long as you had fun, that’s what matters most! Awesome that it kept you thinking about reading, even if you couldn’t. 🙂 Here are my Bob RaT Stats
Thanks so much, Karsyn! I had a lot of fun. 🙂 Going to check out your stats!
That’s what I love about this read-a-thon compared to a 24- or 48-hour event. I don’t feel like I need to give up sleep or even just read every waking minute. Looks like you had a great week!
I agree! I haven’t participated in one of those read-a-thons because I know I wouldn’t be able to stay up that long lol. I’m getting too old for that. 😉 Ha! Thanks so much for stopping by. I had a lot of fun reading!