Chatur by Subhash Kommuru – Review

I received this book for free from . This review is voluntary. My opinion is not influenced in any way.


Chatur-CoverChatur by Subhash Kommuru

This is a story about Chatur, the Dhobhi and Mand the donkey. Chatur is smart and progressive by nature and his Lazy donkey Mand’s answer to any request was “No No No, I gotta take it easy”. Chatur realized that his success is limited by Mand’s attitude, So Chatur thought of a smart idea, will it work or will it hit him back?

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About Sujata & Subhash Kommuru

Subhash and Sujata hail from India. They migrated to the United States along with their memories of childhood and youth. Now that they are parents, just like every immigrant they crave to introduce their child to the culture and values of their upbringing. Yet it is challenging to teach something while you are in the midst of adjusting to a different culture yourself. Subhash and Sujata both work in different disciplines and have different styles and backgrounds, but it is the upbringing of their son that brings them on the same page. That exact place where they meet is captured and reflected in their stories, where Subhash can express in words, and Sujata can illustrate them beautifully. Where he puts it in black and white, she adds color to it. You get the idea! These stories are their attempt to share a glimpse of their childhood days with their son. He is their inspiration to write short stories that have meaning to them and provide teaching in some shape or form.

Our Goal
Our goal is to introduce kids to Indian culture one story at a time and along the way have some fun. While stories are primarily written in Hindi they are tastefully being narrated in English as well, while maintaining the essence and moral.

Our Promise
Our promise is to always write sensible story with some moral to them.
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My Thoughts

Chatur by Subhash Kommuru is written in Hindi. While we weren’t able to ‘read’ the words in the story, we did enjoy the illustrations. We were able to make up our own stories to go along with the pictures. It was a cute book. I enjoyed The Magic of Friendship by this author, and that helped me enjoy this story as well.


1 comment / Add your comment below

  1. Thank you Brooke! I appreciate that you gave Hindi language a chance. Nayan Soni illustrator of this book will be pleased to know that his effort of putting life into story came true. And yes you can derive the whole story just by looking at pictures.
    It’s just like with kids language is no barrier 🙂

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