Death of a Wolfman by Susan Boles – Guest Post + Giveaway @SusanBAuthor

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Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000026_00020]Death of a Wolfman by Susan Boles
A Lily Gayle Lambert Mystery Book 1

Lily Gayle Lambert is a professional seamstress specializing in period dresses for convention attendees and re-enactment groups along with being an amateur genealogist. And a big pain in the butt to the county sheriff…who just happens to be her cousin.

Quicker than she can stitch together the threads of a genealogy project she’s just signed on to research, Lily Gayle finds herself embroiled in investigating the Halloween night murder of a stranger who suffers from ‘wolfman syndrome’. Before she can even get going good on the first murder a member of a prominent family turns up dead too.

Escaping from a trailer in the woods owned by two good ole boys suspected of being involved and a confrontation with the eldest son of the town’s wealthiest family have Lily Gayle hot on the trail of the killer.

With the help of her lifelong best friend, Dixie, Lily Gayle must find the link between the two and solve the mystery before her investigation makes her the next target.

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Guest Post

In DEATH OF A WOLFMAN, the main character, Lily Gayle Lambert makes her living as a genealogist and also as a Dress maker.

I got interested in genealogy about thirty five years ago when I first got interested in learning about my ancestors. One of my cousins had been working on our family history for several years already and was thrilled when I decided to get in on the action…or lack thereof.

If you’ve ever been bitten by the genealogy bug, you will never recover. Oh, you may go into remission from time to time, but you will always come back to it. Hoping that some new information will turn up this time.

Genealogy research has come a long way since I started back in 1980. I used to travel to courthouses all over the Tennessee/Mississippi area looking for scraps of information hiding out on microfilm….and on original documents in libraries and courthouses. Now, a lot of that has changed. A huge amount of information is now available online thru various sources and I can do research online from the comfort of home when the bug bites. I’m stuck in 1844 on one line of my family. And I fear it’s a wall that will never come down due to circumstances. But I still have a small flame of hope that, someday, I will find the answers I’m seeking down on that particular person. So, just like Lily Gayle, you may find my lights burning at 2am as I try to run down a thin thread I may have discovered.

I’ve been a member of Ancestry pretty much since it originated and a few months ago took the dive and did the Ancestry DNA test. You’ve seen the commercials, right? Where the guy gives up his lederhosen for a kilt because he discovered his family had been mistaken about their origin. I think I could make one of those commercials myself. All my life, our family has assumed we came from England, Scotland and Ireland. So, when I got my results back, imagine my surprise to discover that I am 44 percent Scandinavian and the rest British/Irish! Um. What?

But it did match me as a first cousin with someone who really is my first cousin and did the DNA test too. So, being the suspicious natured person I am, I wondered what would happen if I sent in my brother’s DNA. He doesn’t have a family tree on the site and doesn’t have a membership. Because, you know, I’m wondering if they have some kind of computer algorithm that compares all the names on the site and matches them up that way rather than via the DNA sample. Guess that’s why I’m so into mysteries. I love solving a puzzle.

So, I persuaded my brother to spit in the little tube they provide and sent it off. His results came back the opposite of mine. But he did have some Scandinavian in there. So , now we’re trying to figure out where that comes from.

Tracing your, or someone else’s, family history can be one of the most rewarding, and, at the same time, most frustrating endeavors you will every try. Come to think of it, writing a book is like that too. Similar highs and lows as you go along the road building out a story – your own history or one you’re making up. This is the first time I’ve ever thought of it that way!

About the Author

susan bolesSusan calls McNairy County, TN her home ground even though she has moved away. It was here, at Bethel Springs Junior High School that she began her writing career with two friends. They formed their own little writers group that was so secret they were the only ones who knew it existed. She still has some of the stories they wrote carefully preserved in a loose leaf binder and tucked away for safety.

She has worked in retail management, briefly for the Census Bureau and for many years in the investment/insurance industry in the regulatory compliance arena. All of which are left brain activities. So she exercises her right brain activity with reading and writing…just to keep both sides even.

Reading has been a passion since she was very young. As a toddler, her mother read to her from her ‘baby books’ and her Mother tells a story about her holding one of them upsidedown and ‘reading’ by repeating the story verbatim from memory.

Death of a Wolfman is the first in the Lily Gayle Lambert mystery series. Her previously published romantic suspene novel, Fated Love, is a contemporary paranormal romantic suspense (with a twist of paranormal) set in Memphis, TN. Her first novel, Kate’s Pride, is a historical women’s fiction set in West Tennessee in the aftermath of the Civil War. The novel is loosely based on her own Great Grandmother and published under the pen name Renee Russell.

Life got in the way of writing for many years but now she’s come back to her early love.

Stay in touch for upcoming releases!

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9 comments / Add your comment below

  1. This book sounds like a great start to a new series. Seems like Lily has a lot going on and then she adds solving a murder to the list. Sounds like an interesting read.

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