Diadem of Death by B.R. Myers

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Diadem of Death by B.R. Myers

Nefertari Hughes Mystery #2
Genre: YA
Release Date: April 25th 2017
Blue Moon Publishers

Nefertari “Terry” Hughes is looking forward to spending the school break with her boyfriend, but when her archaeologist father announces he’s working on a project that will take him to Egypt, all hopes of having a romantic summer are buried.

Terry accompanies her father to Alexandria where she’s reunited with her first crush, Awad—all grown up and an expert in translating hieroglyphics. He confides that the team is in a race to find Cleopatra’s lost tomb before a secret band of rebels steals Egypt’s last Pharaoh and her diadem.

But sabotage and a deadly accident put everyone on high alert, and Terry isn’t sure whom to trust. As the line between ally and enemy begins to blur, Terry has to keep her wits about her and figure out who wants the diadem badly enough to kill.

Goodreads | Amazon | Chapters/Indigo

Asp of Ascension book coverDon’t miss the first book in the Nefertari Hughes Mystery Series! Add Asp of Ascension to Goodreads.

Questions to the Author on Her Writing Process

What is your writing process (or processes)?
Usually it begins with one scene I can’t stop thinking about. I build the story around that moment; it might be the ending, the middle, or the inciting incident, but it’s the starting point of the process for me. Then I do a quick outline and make myself sit in the chair and knock out the story in small increments. I make sure I write a certain word count each time. I don’t think I’d ever get anything on paper if I didn’t set goals.

What do you find to be the most difficult aspects of writing?
Writing the first word. It’s like trying to start a gas powered lawn mower—it takes a few painful and frustrating attempts to get started, but once the engine kicks in all you have to do is move forward.

How have your influences or literary inspirations impacted your writing?
My definition of success has had the greatest impact. I’ve been writing for eight years and in the beginning the most exciting aspect was sharing my stories. Once I decided to become published I opened a can of worms and spent the next six years getting rejected. I almost turned my back on writing and then I remembered why I had started in the first place—to share my stories. Around that time I heard Margaret Atwood on CBC radio discussing a new online site called Wattpad. It enabled anyone with a cell phone, anywhere in the world, access to all the stories posted on the site…for free.

I posted a few short stories and a YA novel I was working on. The response was immediate and positive. The success on Wattpad helped me establish a solid readership following and was instrumental in my first book deal—only four months after I joined.

When writing Terry, did you have any go-to inspirations in terms of cultivating a strong, independent heroine? If so, who or what were they?
She’s a regular teenager. I don’t think it’s such a stretch to write about an independent and strong girl—they’re everywhere! I wanted Terry to be likeable, of course, but she needed to be relatable in the sense that she was dealing with some heavy issues of loss and her decisions were affected by that. I wanted to show she was independent, but vulnerable too. I think most teenagers feel torn between those two identities as it’s a time in your life when you begin to understand that you have to go out in the world and start taking on responsibilities, but there’s a part of you that doesn’t want to grow up—doesn’t want anything to change.

What is the one book you would, without hesitation, recommend to a young reader? To an older reader?
Only one? Yikes! It depends on who the person is and what they like to read. Horror, history, science fiction, contemporary…? Okay, I’ll give you my pick for the universal recommendation for any age: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. It’s my favourite of the series.

Who are some authors in the children’s and YA genres that you grew up reading and admiring?
Back in my day (a hundred years ago) the YA section was very small, in fact the term YA wasn’t even heard of. Still, I managed to find something to fill the gap between middle grade and adult fiction. I absolutely devoured anything by Lois Duncan. Then I found my way to Stephen King and Ray Bradbury.

Who are some authors that you are currently enjoying (in children’s and/or YA)?
I have recently discovered Banana Yoshimoto. She’s a YA writer from Japan and her style reminds me very much of Haruki Murakami. She uses simple yet poetic prose that makes the everyday aspects of life intriguing. I especially love when writer can make the process of making a cup of coffee seem interesting, Alice Munro does that better than anyone.

About the Author

B.R. Myers, author of Diadem of DeathI write YA, appreciate a design in my cappuccino, love shopping for vintage jewelry and dream in color. Coming from Nimbus Publishing, my contemporary coming of age novels, BUTTERFLIES DON’T LIE (SEPTEMBER 15,2014) and GIRL ON THE RUNJUST JESSE (Fall 2015). from Fierce Ink Press, ASP OF ASCENSION (July 2015).

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2 comments / Add your comment below

  1. Book sounds fascinating. An archeologist and Egypt should make for a great story.

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