Follow Friday Four Fill-In Fun – 2/20/15

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Hilary at Feeling Beachie hosts the weekly Follow Friday Four Fill-In Fun. I’m excited to be a co-host this week! Read on for my answers and feel free to link-up!

The statements are:
___ is the ____
Do you ___ on the weekends?
___ is my ____ comfort food
______ always makes me happy.

My answers:
Winter is the worst season.
Do you sleep in on the weekends?
Pasta is my go-to comfort food
Reading always makes me happy.


8 comments / Add your comment below

  1. Winter was high up there on the top ten list of reasons why I moved to California, so I agree! 🙂 Thanks for being this week’s co-host, love the statement!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

  2. I like all of the seasons. It is that cycle of life philosophy, for me.
    I never sleep in; not that I wouldn’t like to. I am up between 5-6 AM. In Summer it is closer to 5; in Winter, closer to 6. I have always been this way.
    It seems many love pasta or potatoes for comfort food.
    I am not sure if reading makes me happy, but it certainly completes me, makes me feel satisfied and content. I am lost without it!
    Have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you for coming by! I am definitely more of a ‘night owl’ person, so if I see 5 or 6 am, it’s usually because I’m still awake at that time. 🙂 I’ve tried to be a morning person before, but it never seems to catch on for me. Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. I pretty much agree with all you wrote. I grew up in NE Ohio and do not miss those winters. I almost always sleep in…ant day I can. Pasta is good and reading is one of my favorite things to do.

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