This week’s Book Blogger Hop question was submitted by Elizabeth:
Why would you stop reading a book? Too long, wrong genre, bad language, not what you expected, or something totally different?
I stop reading a book for a lot of reasons. One of the main reasons is if I don’t connect with the characters or the plot right away. I want to feel invested in a story early on, or I usually don’t have the motivation to continue. I will also stop reading a book if it doesn’t have good pacing – I don’t like when a story starts to feel like it is dragging on, or there is unnecessary information. I typically give a book about 40-50 pages before I throw in the towel. Sometimes I will stop reading a book if I don’t feel into it, but I know it’s just me – if I’m not in the right mood for that genre or that style of writing, sometimes I will stop and then start again another time.
What about you? What makes you stop reading a book? Click the Book Blogger Hop button if you’d like to visit the link-up.
Hilary at Feeling Beachie hosts the Follow Friday Four Fill-In Fun each Friday. I always have fun answering these fun statements. Here are this week’s:
The statements:
If I could I _____________ have __________.
I sometimes ____.
Every time I ________, I remember ____________.
Nothing feels as _____ as a ________ after _______.
My answers:
If I could just have a full night’s sleep, I would feel amazing.
I sometimes wish I lived at the beach!
Every time I lay down, I remember everything I forgot to do!
Nothing feels as good as a relaxing bath after a long day at work.
Freda at Freda’s Voice hosts the Friday 56. This one is a lot of fun.
Rules from Freda:
*Grab a book, any book.
*Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader
(If you have to improvise, that’s ok.)
*Find any sentence, (or few, just don’t spoil it)
*Post it.
*Add your (url) post in Linky. Add the post url, not your blog url. (Click the Friday 56 button to get to the main post/Linky).
*It’s that simple.
My Friday 56 this week comes from Life After Perfect by Nancy Naigle. I’m reading this ebook as my Just for Fun book in May. Here’s from 56% in the ebook:
Naomi’s eyes glistened. “Things change when people die, leaving us to pick up the pieces and reshape our lives. It’s not easy.”
That’s it for this Friday’s Bookish Memes. Let me know what you think in the comments. I’d love to visit you if you linked up!
A book definitely has to be in the genres that I enjoy.
I give a book 100 pages and then I decide.
Stop by for my full answer if you like.
Happy Hopping!!
Silver’s Reviews
My Blog Hop Answer
A book definitely have to be well worth my time; especially, since I do not have much time to dole out loosely ha ha! But if I stumble upon a book I cannot make any connection with, I abandon it without any regard.
Why is it that we often remember what we were supposed to do the minute we call it a day? (Sigh)
Life After Perfect sounds like a warm-hearted read; a book about finding resolve within oneself; I do like these ones 🙂
Agreed. Characters are a huge deal for me… I daresay the most important thing. If I don’t like them, I usually can’t like the book. Old follower.
I have a hard time giving up on books. I would always just push myself to finish them even if I didn’t feel a connection to the characters, or like the storyline. But then I realized how many books are in my TBR pile and how much time I was wasting reading books I didn’t like just for the sake of finishing what I started.
Funny I recently wrote about this very thing on my blog. You can check it out if you like:
a full night’s sleep… sounds dreamy!
That 56 couldn’t ring more true. Great choice!
Happy weekend!
I usually don’t give up on books, so it really has to be boring for me to stop reading.
I would love a full night’s sleep. I’m not even sure I know what that is anymore. LOL
Great 56!
Nice answers. One of these Fridays I will remember to do the page 56 hop.
Like Elizabeth, I would give a book 100 pages or so. If I decided I didn’t want to read it, I would pick up another book. I wouldn’t call that “stopping”, though. Just deciding. 🙂
Great post, Brooke! I totally understand you with DNFing a book. It’s so tempting sometimes!
here’s my post!