Hidden Secrets by Angee Taylor
Rose has been struggling for years to find out about the mysterious illness that’s killing her. She’s decided to end her life after one last trip to the French Quarter…Her plans go awry when the sexy Caleb Glasson, who carries a dark secret, saunters into her life. She discovers that she’s not what she appears to be, to rest of the world. The only man that can unlock that secret is dead at Caleb’s hand. The most startling epiphany is that she has latent powers that will emerge in a haunting thrilling story that will answer all of her questions.
Short Excerpt
What a sight she thought they were in violation of every vampire lore out there. They were awake during the day, driving a convertible with the roof down, enjoying the sunshine through their dark glasses, of course. The wind made conversation hard and she was grateful. She didn’t know what to say and didn’t know if she could stand to hear what he had to say. The car ride would only last so long. She had to pull herself together. By the time, they arrived at the airport she had reined her emotions in and was ready for anything he could throw at her. Thanks to private airports and no security, she had been able to keep her knives.
My Review
This was an interesting take on the typical vampire/paranormal story. I liked the interesting way Rose found out what she was. I did have a little trouble getting used to the author’s writing style, but that may just be a personal preference. Overall, the story is entertaining and I was able to read through it fairly quickly.
About the Author
Angee was born in Houston, Texas in 1977, to an interesting family. Her mother and father separated when she was young. She lived with her mother who later remarried a wonderful man, who had a huge impact on her as she grew up. Angee has always had a love of reading, mostly paranormal. As a child, she would sneak up at late night when her mom thought she was sleeping, to read. They moved around a lot, eventually settling in Deep East Texas.
Angee married at a young age and eventually divorced. She has raised her now 15 year old son alone. Angee works full time as a pre-hospital nurse and sometimes sees things that would make the rest of us have nightmares. On other days, she is blessed to see miracles. These things are what drive her to write.
Angee describes her job as- “I fight to save people’s lives. Sometimes I lose, sometimes I win. It’s the emotional roller coaster of that job, which leads me to writing. I’m able to put those emotions into my characters and let them out of my heart and soul.”
In 2006, she was diagnosed with a rare disease, shortly after that she was told she would be on full disability in five years and most likely to be dead in ten. She’s fought to live a normal life every day since and is beating those odds. She works at a demanding job, is a single mom, cares for an elderly mother, and a hyperactive dog. Her life has inspired her paranormal novel Hidden Secret. Sit back and enjoy.
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Thanks for letting the tour stop by for the day 🙂