About the Book
Title: Josh and the Gumshoe News Crew: The Super Secret | Author: Melissa Perry Moraja | Publication Date: May 5, 2014 | Publisher: Melissa Productions | Pages: 154 | Recommended Ages: 6+ (read-aloud)
Summary: Up until a few days ago, nothing extraordinary had ever happened in ten year old Josh Wunderkind’s life – except eating a whole pot of pasta by himself. But that all changed after a mammoth-sized bird hit him smack on the face with a glob of neon green bird poop, triggering his superhuman Wunderkind ability and leaving him with the responsibility of caring for a baby bird he named Max. Now Josh was just like his older brother and twin sister Madison-super extraordinary! But what Josh didn’t realize was that being superhuman wasn’t all fun and games.
And things only got more complex in Josh’s life when his two siblings and a couple neighborhood friends persuade him to lead a super crime-solving, neighborhood news team—the Gumshoe News Crew. But not before they agree on the Super Secret and complete Gumshoe Boot Camp.
Find out what the Super Secret is. Will the Gumshoe News Crew complete boot camp? Or will Josh let his team down?
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My Review
Josh and the Gumshoe News Crew by Melissa Moraja was a laugh-out-loud, enjoyable story for both my eleven year old daughter and me. The illustrations were a fun addition to the story. It was an interesting story that entertained us both. We couldn’t wait to learn more about the Super Secret. I liked that the story had a lesson, too. This is the first Wunderkind book we’ve read, but I don’t think it will be the last. It was just the right length for us to be able to easily read it together over a couple evenings.
About the Author: Melissa Perry Moraja
Melissa Perry Moraja, Award-Winning Author and Founder of Melissa Productions, Inc., is an entrepreneurial mom, a multifaceted business woman, a creative producer, and an author and illustrator of numerous modern-fantasy children’s books and self-help books. And that’s just the beginning! Melissa also has published articles, appeared on television, been interviewed on radio, has spoken in front of hundreds of people, and held workshops at local schools, discussing creative learning, publishing and parenting. Her desire to make a difference in her four young children’s lives inspired her to leave her six-salary career at IBM in 2007 to become a full-time mom, children’s author, speaker, and consultant. Melissa spends her personal time coaching soccer and softball, painting, and coming up with fun art projects for her kids. She also blogs for Working Mother blog, has guest blogged for Charlotte Observer Mom’s Charlotte, and has her own personal blog at Not Your Ordinary Psychic Mom. Melissa is also committed to building awareness and support for type 1 diabetes. Her twin daughter was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes November 4, 2011. To learn more about Madison’s type 1 diabetes disease please read Madison’s Story.
For more information about Melissa and her books, please visit http://www.melissaproductions.com and http://www.notyourordinarypsychicmom.com
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* Josh and the Gumshoe News Crew Blog Tour Schedule (2014) *
May 5
Mother Daughter Book Reviews (Launch & Review)
May 6
Not My Circus, Not My Monkeys (Review)
May 7
Kay LaLone I Love Books (Review)
May 8
Chris Weigand, Author (Review)
May 9
Let’s Talk About Books (Review)
Sunshine, Bubbles & Books (Review)
May 10
The World of ContestPatti (Review)
May 11
May 12
WS Momma Readers Nook (Review)
May 13
Heart of a Philanthropist (Review)
May 14
We Are the DinoFamily (Review)
May 15
Purple Monster Coupons (Review)
May 16
Nanna of 3 and Counting (Review)
Musings by Jay Faulkner (Review)
Lisa Cresswell (Author Interview)
May 17
May 18
* Blog Tour Giveaway *
Prize: $25 Amazon Gift Card or PayPal cash (winner’s choice)
Contest ends: June 3, 11:59 pm, 2014
Open: Internationally
How to enter: Please enter using the Rafflecopter widget below.
Terms and Conditions: NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW. A winner will be randomly drawn through the Rafflecopter widget and will be contacted by email within 48 hours after the giveaway ends. The winner will then have 72 hours to respond. If the winner does not respond within 72 hours, a new draw will take place for a new winner. Odds of winning will vary depending on the number of eligible entries received. This contest is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Facebook. This giveaway is sponsored by the author, Melissa Perry Moraja and is hosted and managed by Renee from Mother Daughter Book Reviews. If you have any additional questions – feel free to send and email to Renee(at)MotherDaughterBookReviews(dot)com.
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I also loved that it could be read aloud over a few days. It’s getting increasingly difficult to find a read-aloud book that both my 11 year old daughter and my 7 year-old son enjoy, and all the Wunderkind Family books seem to be good for a range of ages as well as both genders. Glad you and your daughter enjoyed it. Thanks for taking part in the Josh and the Gumshoe News Crew Blog Tour.