Little Things Long Remembered by Susan Newman, PhD – Review, Guest Post + Giveaway

Little Things Long Remembered by Susan Newman, PhD - Review, Guest Post + Giveaway

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Little Things Long Remembered by Susan Newman, PhD – Review, Guest Post + GiveawayLittle Things Long Remembered: Making Your Children Feel Special Every Day - New Edition on October 1, 2014
Pages: 148
Format: Paperback
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“Little Things Long Remembered,” updated for today’s time-strapped families, offers hundreds of ways to create treasured childhood rituals. Chock full of thoughtful and loving ideas that mean a lot—especially to children.

Chapters are divided into convenient timeframes: Gestures to strengthen family ties that take seconds, activities when you have five minutes, half an hour, or the entire weekend. Plus special circumstance suggestions for when your child is not feeling well or when you travel, for birthdays, major and minor holidays--including a set of Cardinal Rules to insure whatever you do is fun, builds character and celebrates your family.

Small parcels of time well spent shape long-lasting memories that are the backbone of family unity...and the glue that holds families together. Every single day offers fertile ground for creating positive recollections. Dig in to find “little things” that will inspire loving remembrances of growing up...and of you.

“Little Things...” is the perfect new baby, Mother or Father’s Day, or any day gift for parents and grandparents.

Guest Post

5 Building Blocks for Creating Strong Family Bonds
Strengthen your connection even when you’re busy
by Susan Newman, Ph.D., author of Little Things Long Remembered: Making Your Children Feel Special Every Day

Hectic schedules stretch parents and children in so many households today, making carving out time for family harder than ever before. Thankfully, even amid school routines, work duties and — with the holiday season near — festive obligations, it’s easier than some parents might think to maintain strong ties to children.

Often, parents believe they must go above and beyond to make up for time lost to busy agendas. In actuality, they do not need to pull out all the stops or opt for expensive toys or extravagant family trips to show their love. It can only take a few minutes a day of turning your attention to your child to reinforce your connection.

5 Ways to Strengthen Parent-Child Bonds:

Don’t forget the daily “I love you.”
When time is short, deliver a hug and kiss and an “I love you.” No matter what your child’s age, this simple gesture reminds your child that you love her and that she is very important to you.

Get in the game.

Select a board game and play it regularly and when appropriate, keep an ongoing score. For younger children promise a game of Chutes and Ladders or Candy Land; for older children Monopoly, basketball or Scrabble. Leave game boards or puzzles set up for the next round or to add puzzle pieces before or after dinner.

Master the art of the surprise.

When your child least expects it, take him to the store and buy something he’s been longing to own. Or, if time is of the essence, sit him next to you while you shop online, amazing him by searching for an item on his wish list and purchasing it on the spot.

Another easy way to surprise the family is by announcing double desserts. Often, it doesn’t take long to top a few bananas with whipped cream or bring out an extra pie you spontaneously put in your shopping cart earlier. Your children will later recall how you went out of your way to make even the little moments stand out.

Be proud.

Every day ask your child what she did that day that she is proud of. Helped a friend? Scored a home run? Received a good grade? Brushed the dog?

Share your daily “proud of” as well. It will give your child some special insight into your day-to-day life, or of your contributions at work.

Instill caring.

Practicing philanthropy together establishes family unity: It lets your children know that you work as a team to help others. Discuss causes you feel are worthwhile, ones children can relate to or help with. Older children generally have charity or volunteer ideas of their own. Ask them to explain why their favorites deserve support and the whole family’s support.

The family’s choices are likely to remain a child’s preferred charities into his or her adulthood.

How does your family take time to establish bonds?

My Thoughts

Little Things Long Remembered by Susan Newman, PhD, is a wonderful book for today’s busy parents. I know as a mom I often wonder if I’m doing things daily that help my children know how special and loved they are. I don’t want to do everything for them or coddle them, but I want them to grow up having fond memories and a strong feeling of love in their hearts. This book is a great way to accomplish that. It is an easy read, with different ideas for making your kids feel special. The book is separated into sections based on how much time you have and offers many fun, easy to incorporate gestures that can help you make your children feel like the special people they are. There are over 500 tips in the book and I enjoyed reading through them all. There are some definite ones that I will be doing with my own children.

Take the time to read this book, and be sure to take the time to enjoy your children. It may seem like a while, but you only hold them for a short time. <3 Make the most of every little moment you have together. a Rafflecopter giveaway


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