Not much progress has been made so far. You can click the button above for my sign-up post. My original to-do list and things I’ve accomplished are crossed out:
Write at least 2 product reviews.
Schedule at least 5 posts.
Revamp my sidebar.
Do at least two mini challenges.
Update my blogging spreadsheets.
Begin implementing my blogging calendar.
Figure out an issue I’ve been having with a plug-in.
Reinstall StatCounter.
Add tsu social media button.
Comment on other Bloggiesta participant blogs.
Check out and make plans to complete past mini challenges.
Still a lot of work to be done – but luckily I’ve got the rest of today and tomorrow (no work!) to work on it. I’m really buckling down for the rest of this #bloggiesta. What are you working on for your bloggiesta?