Title: Reveal by Brina Courtney
Genre: YA Paranormal Romance
You think seeing ghosts is weird? Tell me something I don’t know.
Shay Tafford’s childhood has been fatherless, filled instead with memories of speaking to the
dead. She is forced to hide her unique ability from those living around her. That’s why it’s been comforting to have Jeremy, a child ghost, as her confidante. But recently he’s been absent, perhaps lost as her father is. When Shay meets Hugh, the guy she’s had a crush on for weeks, and finds he can speak to ghosts too, she’s just starting to find a normalcy in her life.
But as Hugh reveals the truth to Shay, about who she really is and about what it is she can do, he erases all chances she had at a normal existence. Turns out talking to ghosts is just scratching the surface of her genetically engineered gifts. Shay learns she may be part of an age old prophecy that could save the entire race of cryptids. But can she?
“So here I am with a dead girl in my car, in a super creepy forest, stalking a potentially dead father…yeah, not one of my brightest moments.”
“She sighs, “Shay you can’t live your life in fear. If you do there’s just no point in living.”“He turns and leaves, heading towards the math building and though I hate to see him leave, I do love to watch him walk away.”
Brina Courtney is a young adult author obsessed with chocolate, crime shows, and fantasy movies. She’s spent the last few years as an elementary teacher and a high school cheering coach. She lives in a small town in Pennsylvania with her husband and two very loud, small dogs.
My Review
This was a fascinating story for me. I’ve read plenty of YA paranormal, but I think that Reveal by Brina Courtney was very unique. There are several paranormal themes in the story…ghosts, summoning, shifting. I liked the story line and the character of Shay. I did find it a little hard to get used to the author’s writing style, but overall it was still a really good story and worth checking out! I felt like even though there were a lot of paranormal elements at play, they did seem to work together.
Shay is an average high school senior…except she can see and talk to ghosts. It’s something she’s been able to do ever since her father disappeared when she was six years old. She has never told anyone about her ‘gift’, afraid that she may end up in a psychiatric hospital. In this story, we get to learn about Shay’s talent and see her improve it.
Make sure to check back later this month and early next month for my reviews of books two and three in the Cryptid series.