Thread End by Amanda Lee – Book Review + $50 Giveaway

Thread End by Amanda Lee - Book Review + $50 Giveaway

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Thread End by Amanda Lee – Book Review + $50 GiveawayThread End on June 3, 2014
Pages: 336
Format: Paperback
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Marcy can't wait to see the new exhibit at the Tallulah Falls museum on antique tapestries and textiles, including beautiful kilim rugs. But her enthusiasm quickly turns to terror when, the day after the exhibition opens, she discovers a dead body behind her store, the Seven-Year Stitch, wrapped up in a most unusual fashion.

The victim appears to be a visiting art professor in town for the exhibit. Did someone decide to teach the professor a lesson, then attempt to sweep the evidence under the rug? Along with her boyfriend, Detective Ted Nash, Marcy must unravel an intricate tapestry of deception to find a desperate killer.

Thread End by Amanda Lee is the seventh installment in the Embroidery Mystery series. This is actually the first book I’ve read in the series. Marcy has the unfortunate luck of stumbling over a body behind her shop, the Seven-Year Stitch. Her boyfriend, Detective Ted Nash, is on the case. I really liked their relationship together. I loved that he called her Inch-High Private Eye. 🙂 Such a cute nickname, and I already can imagine all the other times she’s been playing detective in the series. The characters in the town were fun to know, including Angus, Marcy’s Irish wolfhound.

The mystery popped out right at the beginning of the story and so many threads of possibilities unraveled throughout the story that I was kept guessing right until the end. I thoroughly enjoyed the plot and the pacing. Great mystery and well worth the read. Hopefully one day, I can pick up other books in this series.

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  1. I’m interested in winning a copy. I leave my reviews on Goodreads. Thank you. karen94066 at

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